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It has been some time since we posted an update here.

In the last years I worked on an rewrite for VHDPlus called OneWare. Its cleaner, faster, extensible and OPEN SOURCE!

You can check out the project on our website!

New OneWare

· One min read

To go with the flow of modern IDEs, we decided to stick to a more minimalistic design. We reduced the shortcuts to those you only need in your daily workflow. Buttons, like the NIOS Control panel are only visible if you added a NIOS Processor to your project. This way, getting started should be even easier and more straight forward for beginners.

New Design

With lots of recent performance and bug fixes, we are getting closer to our first stable release.

Our plans for 1.0

  • Better usability and keyboard only usage by hotkeys, global finder
  • Improved VCD viewer to be on par with GTKWave
  • Graphical Editor for blockfiles
  • Package Manager for supported hardware
  • Improved VHDL and Verilog support

If you find any bugs or want to suggest a change, feel free to do tell us on our Discord

· One min read

Huge VHDP Improvements!

In the last couple of months we spent a lot of time reworking our VHDP Language Service. With VHDPlus IDE 0.10.6 we use a completely new Analyzer to help you writing your designs.

VHDP Support Changes:

  • Greatly improved performance
  • Smarter error check
  • Type Checking
  • Function Insight
  • Better completion (especially for record types)

Additional Changelog:

  • Improved overall performance
  • Solution wide search (CTRL + Shift + F) now opens in a separate window (unless already docked)
  • Lots of small bug fixes

Still, there is lots of room for improvement. If you find any bugs or want to suggest a change, feel free to do tell us on our Discord or create an issue in our GitHub repository

· One min read

GTKWave is no longer required!

We want VHDPlus IDE to be a all in one Tool for all FPGA Programming needs. Since GTKWave was not reliable on some platforms, we decided to create our own VCD viewer.

VHDPlus VCD Viewer

· One min read

The MAX10 Shield is now available in our shop.

Max10 Shield

This shield for the Core MAX10 adds three more CRUVI connectors aswell as thee PMOD interaces, which makes it easy to connect camera, motors and ultrasonic sensors at once while powering the FPGA with the same supply as the motors.

· One min read

First Hardware

The first hardware arrived! This includes the Motor Extension, Camera Extension, Core MAX10 and the Level Shifter Extension.

We now test the hardware and package them to ensure the best experience you can get with FPGA development boards.

You can buy the hardware soon in our shop.

· 3 min read

0.9.7 is by far the biggest update we have ever made. It contains huge improvements, bugfixes and a bunch of new features. We have made great strides in making FPGA programming more user-friendly for beginners and advanced users.

· 2 min read

It has been a few months since our last blog post so I decided to inform you about our current status and plans. Currently we are doing this project unpaid in our free time so please forgive us if some updates take a bit longer than expected. This project is alive and we are getting closer to our first stable release, but we still have some things to do. Our goal is to deliver a clean and stable IDE on all platforms for our first official release 🐞.