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Arriving with update the VHDPlus IDE features a built-in Serial Monitor that allows to communicate with your hardware.

Serial Monitor

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Not everyone likes the dark theme that is selected as the default theme for VHDPlus IDE. Update gives you the ability to chose a alternative theme with brighter colors.

· One min read

Since the built-in updater was broken in the last version for some systems we strongly recommend downloading this update using your browser.

With update 0.9.1 we are confident that the new compiler is stable enough to be used as default. We also fixed some issues and improved the overall editor performance. The built-in updater is much faster now (twice as fast) and should work for all systems without problems.

· One min read

This update makes it much easier to simulate your projects. Compiling with quartus can take a long time, so it is very useful to simulate programs in order to capture errors and check if everything works as expected.

· One min read

We are currently working on a cross platform version of the VHDPlus IDE which was recently windows only. It will feature a visual studio like docking system, real time error checking, programming suggestions, simulation assist and much more useful features.

· One min read

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