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VHDPlus IDE 2022 Update

· One min read

Huge VHDP Improvements!

In the last couple of months we spent a lot of time reworking our VHDP Language Service. With VHDPlus IDE 0.10.6 we use a completely new Analyzer to help you writing your designs.

VHDP Support Changes:

  • Greatly improved performance
  • Smarter error check
  • Type Checking
  • Function Insight
  • Better completion (especially for record types)

Additional Changelog:

  • Improved overall performance
  • Solution wide search (CTRL + Shift + F) now opens in a separate window (unless already docked)
  • Lots of small bug fixes

Still, there is lots of room for improvement. If you find any bugs or want to suggest a change, feel free to do tell us on our Discord or create an issue in our GitHub repository