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The syntax of VHDL for the signals and the operators can be confusing for people that worked with other programming languages. So we included an autocorrection to make the shift easier. Here a list of things that will be replaced if used:

String to replaceCorrect stringExample
= or :=/<= if used wrong:= for variables and <= for signalsExample_var = ... -> Example_var :=
!=/= (unequal)If (a != b) -> If (a /= b)
=== (equal)If (a == b) -> If (a = b)
&&ANDIf (a && b) -> If (a AND b)
||ORIf (a || b) -> If (a OR b)
i ++i := i + 1
i +=i := i +
i -=i := i -

Compiler autocorrection

If the frequency of the CLK signal is 12MHz, you can write Wait(100ms); and the time is converted to CLK cycles. Possible time units are s, ms, us and ns.

If you are using strings, you can write s"..." to convert this to a HEX value while compiling.

Signal declaration

The text will be replaced with pressing the last char of the string to replace. If you paste a text, you e.g. have to delete and write the ';' again to replace the string.


INTEGER i = 0;


NATURAL range 0 to 255 count = 0; 
VARIABLE count : NATURAL range 0 to 255 := 0;


OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0) LED = (others => '0');
LED : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');


INTEGER range 0 to 255 [5] [7] arr = (others => (others => 0));
TYPE arr_type IS ARRAY (0 to 4, 0 to 6) OF INTEGER range 0 to 255;
SIGNAL arr : arr_type := (others => (others => 0));